Cloud Analytics Platform


The cloud analytics platform provides up-to-date information on marketplace earnings, how customers use cloud services and their interactions with internal platforms. The marketplace platform's sales teams are spread out, so giving direct access to the marketplace to all stakeholders isn't safe. This solution addresses security issues while providing essential insights to key stakeholders.

50% reduction in time required to access reports

The implementation of the new dashboard has significantly enhanced the process of retrieving reports, reducing the time required to access reports by 50% compared to previous methods.

35% increase in cross-team collaboration

Translating complex data into a visually intuitive dashboard poses a challenge. Collaborating with cross-functional teams and understanding the diverse needs of users has immensely aided us in making the platform more usable, thereby increasing cross-team collaboration efficiency by 35%.

Read the full case study below

My Role:
UX/UI designer

Affinity mapping, user persona, user flow, user interviews, interface design.

3 months


The cloud analytics platform provides up-to-date information on marketplace earnings, how customers use cloud services and their interactions with internal platforms. This helps in making informed decisions and planning strategies for products, sales, and marketing teams. It is a helpful tool for monitoring and improving cloud services.

Problem Statement

Why this product?
The Cloud Marketplace platform's widespread sales teams across different regions make granting direct access to the marketplace impractical due to security concerns. Therefore, an analytics dashboard was deemed necessary for the Director, VP, sales and product teams to efficiently retrieve data on marketplace consumers and their cloud consumption. This solution addresses security issues while providing essential insights to key stakeholders.

Users & Audience

Directors, VP’s, Sales, Product, and marketing teams, along with other stakeholders, utilize this platform.

Roles & Responsibilities

As a UX/UI designer, my role was to create a clean and intuitive design where stakeholders can easily view customer consumption data, gain actionable insights, and collaborate seamlessly with cross-functional teams.

Scope & Constraints

User research with cross-functional teams, and creation of information architecture, wireframing, prototyping and visual design with a focus on usability testing to enhance user experience.

Time, budget, resource limitations, technological constraints, and stakeholder expectations had an impact on the project's depth and execution. However, we managed to work through these challenges and deliver on time.

My Process

User Persona:

The Cloud Analytics Platform is used by the Product, Sales team and Marketing team. For this case study, I chose to showcase a salesperson’s goals, needs and pain points.

"I need a solution that not only organizes my sales data but also helps me collaborate seamlessly with other teams, so we can take swift actions and gain valuable insights together."

Information Architecture:
Conducted an affinity diagram mapping session on the Miro board with cross-functional teams to brainstorm and understand each team's specific requirements and goals they aim to achieve using the platform.

As a result, we organized a list of sections from which our broader team would benefit.

Hi -Fidelity prototype:

Here is a comparison of before and after the design.
I have omitted confidential information in this case study to comply with my non-disclosure agreement.

View Prototype

Results & Outcomes

50% accessing time reduced

The implementation of the new dashboard has significantly enhanced the process of retrieving reports, reducing the time required to access reports by 50% compared to previous methods.

35% increase in cross-team collaboration

Translating complex data into a visually intuitive dashboard poses a challenge. Collaborating with cross-functional teams and understanding the diverse needs of users has immensely aided us in making the platform more usable, thereby increasing cross-team collaboration efficiency by 35%.

Lessons Learned

  • User feedback is a valuable source of information for refining and enhancing the user experience of the platform. Given our good relationship with cross-functional teams, testing prototypes and updating the platform accordingly was straightforward.

  • Looping in the development team early in the process is essential.

  • The next steps are to send survey forms to users and keep looking for room for improvement.

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